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.25 percent off auto loan rate

There is more than meets the eye when it comes to buying a car. If you have never had a car loan before, this activity is for you! Discover what goes into a car loan and get the breakdown of what auto insurance really is. There is even a coach to determine what auto loan fits your budget!

How do I get my reward?

  • Must have an account at MembersAlliance.
  • Apply for auto loan at MembersAlliance.
  • Have no auto loan credit history.
  • Complete all course material in this section. Please save your progress in coach activities before exiting or moving on to other coaches. You will know it saved when it asks for your email and sends you an updated progress email. This step is required to properly track your progress and verify completion before rewards can be issued.
  • Once completion is confirmed, the certificate will be sent to your email address (may take up to 7 business days). *

*Certificate will be valid for 90 days past completion.

Using Credit

5 min read
Using credit can open up big possibilities, but it can also get you in trouble if you aren’t careful
Using Credit

Getting a Car

2 min read
When looking for a new car, you have three main options: buy used, buy new, or lease. There are pros and cons to each method.
Getting a Car


4 min read
Interest is one of the most powerful tools in your financial arsenal and one of the more slippery dangers.

Auto Insurance

3 min read
Auto insurance is like ordering fast food—you have a lot of options.
Auto Insurance
Learning Reward
3 Min Activity
Reward Quiz
After you’ve finished the task above, take this short quiz. Answer 4 out of 5 questions to pass.